With Afghan President Hamid Karzai expected to travel to Islamabad on Thursday, National Security Advisor Rangin Dadfar Spanta made some unusually harsh remarks about the Taliban in the course of a media interview in Kabul on Monday. Spanta said: a) Taliban are murderers and hirelings of foreigners whose aim is to impose a medieval culture on the contemporary era. b) Taliban are incapable of behaving humanely. c) It is inconceivable that Taliban could be allowed into Karzai’s government. d) Taliban have been the main problem for Afghanistan through the past decade.
Evidently, Kabul feels frustrated that its overtures to the Taliban aren’t getting anywhere while Pakistan’s focus is on clawing its way back to the old game of pleasing the United States by acting as a mediator with the Taliban and aspiring to gain a central role in the peace talks in Qatar in the coming 8-10 weeks when Washington keenly seeks some progress on the political track to show to its allies before the NATO summit takes place in Chicago in May.
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