India recently tested a long range missile the AGNI V. India also has plans for Ballistic Missile Defense Systems (BMD) as well as missiles with Multiple Warheads– MIRVs. India is also moving towards Sea Launched Ballistic Missiles ( SLBMs). For Pakistan India’s message is that it should not concern itself with these developments because India is developing a deterrent and defense capability against the ‘threat’ from China. India has a strategic relationship with the US and the US India Civilian Nuclear Technology Agreement endorsed by the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) gives India access to nuclear materials even while maintaining eight unsafeguarded facilities. India is at pains to point out that its BMD and MIRV plans are simply ‘technology demonstrators’ and not being developed as part of a strategic policy. Can there be strategic weapons development without a strategy? The US is drawing India into the Pacific region as well as into Afghanistan and there is very little doubt that US policy in South Asia has India as a pivotal nation. India’s development plans have full US support.
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