The Indian Army Chief General V K Singh has defied the babus of South Block by disclosing the fact that he was offered a bribe by a colleague for sanctioning the induction of ‘sub-standard’ vehicles into the Army and for listing, in a letter to the Prime Minister, the gross deficiencies in the Indian Army. Earlier the Chief had asked for a review of his date of birth so that his retirement could be delayed by a year. His request was rejected by the Ministry of Defense and the subsequent court case he filed was also decided against him. Inevitably dots are being connected to insinuate that the Chief came up with his allegation and disclosures (mysteriously leaked to the media!) only after he had been denied the extra year because the bribe offer was made two years ago and had been promptly reported by him to the Minister of Defense who has now asked the CBI to investigate. It also transpires that when the Chief reported the matter to the Minister the decision was to let the matter rest—-let sleeping dogs lie! The inevitable conclusion being drawn is that by requesting for an extra year in service the General was asking to be paid back for his silence.
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