It seems Mr Sehbai is not clear in his own mind about the role he wants the Army to play. He blames Gen Kayani for sitting on the sidelines and letting the country slide into the current mess. Yet he blames 10 years of Army rule which incidentally except for first three years of Musharraf was actually run by politicians allied with Musharraf ,for a bad legacy for the current rulers. He calls Gen Kayani a Gorbachev for letting Pakistan reach this failed state situation but at the same time is against Army intervention. It seems he is constrained by the oft repeated slogan of Democracy is our future irrespective of the results that we are reaping. I think Gen Kayani has done well to clarify so many doubts sown about the Army actions/ inactions spread by our media. By talking directly to the media and clarifying the Army role in the last 5 years,he has briefed them about the true state of affairs. Hopefully this should at least reduce the unjustified criticism and doubts about the Army,s role and specially his own role as Chief . Let this election bring up some fresh and well meaning leadership for if that does not happen,we should have a fresh look at our systems specially our brand of parliamentary democracy which has failed again and again in providing good Government to the country. Gen Kayani has brought some truths to the notice of our opinion makers. Let it not be said by any one that he/ she did not know these things. Now it is upto our media to educate our public on all major issues facing the country.
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