Wednesday, January 9, 2013


The Pieces of the Puzzle

#1—Renewed interest by Scotland Yard in the Imran Farooq murder in London
#2—The unconditional and abject apology by the MQM before the Supreme Court of Pakistan
#3—The Qadri intervention
#4—MQM’s prompt and total support of the Qadri intervention.
#5—Surge in US Drone attacks with TTP being targeted.
#5—Pakistan military’s changed threat perception with the internal threat identified as the main threat and a public announcement of this realization.
#6—US/UK/NATO compulsion to exit Afghanistan in an orderly manner and the need to protect Afghanistan from external inroads in the vulnerable post exit period
#7—Pakistan’s centrality in the entire exit strategy including safe passage for logistic movement.
#8—The political situation in Pakistan and the US/UK desire for status quo so that their exit strategy continues to get support.

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