by Enver Masud It appears that we are being primed for the "death" of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. Attorney General Eric Holder told a House panel this month that bin Laden "will never appear in an American courtroom." Others who have examined the evidence, and the "bin Laden tapes," have concluded that bin Laden is dead. US Defense Secretary Robert Gates admitted that the US has had no reliable information on the whereabouts of Osama Bin Laden in years. But the US needs a neat ending to its war on Afghanistan. Staging bin Laden's death will be seen as a fitting end to this genocidal war for the control of energy resources. Of course it will have to be done so that visual identification is not possible. We suspect that when bin Laden is "killed," we'll just have to trust the folks that lied us into war to confirm they got him. ---
"What Really Happened on September 11, 2001," 2002-2010 Robert Fisk, "Saddam Statue Scene Staged," Independent, April 11, 2003 John Kampfner, "Saving Private Lynch story 'flawed'," BBC News, May 15, 2003 Eric Margolis, "Saddam Captured: The Man Who Knew Too Much," Toronto Sun, December 21, 2003 Enver Masud, "Bin Laden Not Wanted for 9/11," The Wisdom Fund, June 8, 2006
"9/11 Unveiled" leads the reader to the inescapable conclusion: The 9/11 Commission Report is fatally flawed. Its conclusions regarding the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and Flight 93 are false. With the Commission's staff barely in place, a detailed outline - complete with "chapter headings, subheadings, and sub-subheadings" of The 9/11 Commission Report, had been prepared. The Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission, a Commission vigorously opposed by the White House, also drafted the Bush administration's pre-emptive war doctrine. Bin Laden, the rationale for the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan, was not wanted for 9/11.--Enver Masud, "9/ 11 Unveiled," The Wisdom Fund (September 11, 2008)
Griffin . . . examines purported messages from bin Laden since 2001 and finds little evidence that these in fact have come from bin Laden himself.--David Ray Griffin, "Osama Bin Laden: Dead or Alive?," Olive Branch Press (May 20, 2009) [Leon Panetta told ABC television . . . Intelligence on Bin Laden "almost goes back, you know, to the early 2000s... Since then, it's been very difficult to get any intelligence on his exact location".--"No intelligence on Bin Laden, US says," Independent, June 28, 2010] [Angelo M. Codevilla, who teaches international relations at Boston University, is a former U.S. intelligence officer who studied Soviet disinformation techniques during the Cold War. He says a close examination of all the alleged bin Laden tapes, including the videos, have convinced him that Elvis Presley is more alive than Osama bin Laden. . . . The last credible intercepts of bin Laden's voice were made by overhead satellites in early December 2001 as he was escaping through the Tora Bora mountain range . . . Bin Laden was suffering from a kidney ailment, and some experts say he died Dec. 13, 2001, four days after his escape from Tora Bora.--Arnaud de Borchgrave, "Man or myth argument is alive and well online," Washington Times, July 26, 2010] [The leaked documents also claim that Osama bin Laden, who was reported dead three years ago by the late Pakistan candidate Benazir Bhutto on BBC, was still alive, conveniently keeping the myth alive for the Obama Administration War on Terror at a point when most Americans had forgotten the original reason the Bush Administration allegedly invaded Afghanistan to pursue the Saudi Bin Laden for the 9/11 attacks. . . . a closer examination of the public position of Assange on one of the most controversial issues of recent decades, the forces behind the September 11, 2001, attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center shows him to be curiously establishment.--F. William Engdahl, "Something stinks about Wikileaks,", August 11, 2010] Maidhc O Cathail, "Bin Laden is Dead; Long Live 'Bin Laden',", August 16, 2010 "Muslims Didn't Do It," The Wisdom Fund, September 11, 2010
"What Really Happened on September 11, 2001," 2002-2010 Robert Fisk, "Saddam Statue Scene Staged," Independent, April 11, 2003 John Kampfner, "Saving Private Lynch story 'flawed'," BBC News, May 15, 2003 Eric Margolis, "Saddam Captured: The Man Who Knew Too Much," Toronto Sun, December 21, 2003 Enver Masud, "Bin Laden Not Wanted for 9/11," The Wisdom Fund, June 8, 2006

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