Monday, May 30, 2011

Remembering Viet-Nam ((tag: Remembering Viet-Nam, Britain's former ambassador to Afghanistan, CIA, US commander, General David Petraeus, CIA chief's tactics as counter-productive, Vietnam war, killing Taliban commanders, special forces raids by Briti

--“Britain's former ambassador to Afghanistan has attacked the conduct of the war by the US commander, General David Petraeus, describing the future CIA chief's tactics as counter-productive and "profoundly wrong".----He has increased the violence, trebled the number of special forces raids by British, American, Dutch and Australian special forces going out killing Taliban commanders, and there has been a lot more rather regrettable boasting from the military about the body count," said Cowper-Coles. He added that the use of statistics was reminiscent of the Vietnam war. "It is profoundly wrong and it's not conducive to a stable political settlement."--- Of course it produces tactical success in cleansing insurgents out of particular areas, but it's essentially moving water around a puddle, and I think any general who boasts of the number of Pashtun insurgents he's killed should be ashamed of himself."

NY Times

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